And the images are just the start of the fun. The creativity of the bored masses is truly multi-media. Click read more to see them, cause it all just won't fit before the jump.
First the inevitable mash-up with an eerily similar incident from just days earlier:
...and at long last you can make your own Kanye interruption:
...then Keyboard Cat made his inevitable comment (with an earlier South Park parody thrown in too)
...a meme was born on Twitter (yes, I'll be tolerating Twitter for the duration of this meme):
and, of course, it's already been realized by The Power of the Internet (look in post below comic for description)
...and it's even an app on Facebook, Where Will Kanye Interrupt You?
so, to conclude, let's meta this meme up and pre-emptively declare it dead. Well, at least on this blog. Two posts involving Kanye West and pop culture is enough for me.

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